Information for Educational Assistant

If you are interested in taking the paraprofessional exam please call 423-272-7629, ext. 2014 to schedule a time (only if you have been offered a position with HCBOE). The test is usually given at 8:30am or 1pm Monday through Friday.

Educational Assistant who provide instructional assistance must have completed one of the following to meet requirements:

  • Completed two years of study at an institution of higher education {48 semester hrs.}

  • Hold an associate's or higher degree (In any field or subject)

  • Passed the Para Pro Exam

Study guides are available at the Hawkins County Schools Human Resource Office. A $55.00 (CASH ONLY, please have correct change) deposit is required to check out the guide. This is fully refundable when book is returned or can be applied toward the testing fee on the day you take the test.

OR:  A free pdf study guide is available on the ETS website. Go to "Quick Links", "Prepare for the Test", "Free Test Preparation", then "Study Companion".

The cost of the test is $55.00 (payable in CASH ONLY, please have correct change). Please arrive on time.

The Parapro Assessment is a timed (2 1/2 hrs.) 90 question, multiple choice test, given on the computer. Test subjects include Reading, Mathematics & Writing which focuses on basic skills and knowledge and applying skills in the classroom. Calculators and cell phones are not allowed, you will be given paper and a pencil for problem solving. The Tennessee passing score for the ParaPro Assessment is 456 or higher.